
People are checking you out online. Your business, and you, personally.

Make sure they can find you.

And, when they do, make sure you have succinct online profiles so you look professional, and credible.

My Profile Writing Service will give you solid profiles to look professional, and peek people’s interest to learn more.

Contact me today to get your profiles working for you.


About Us/About Me Pages

These are the most viewed pages on your website. Let’s get them right.

Whether you are a multi-employee company, or a solopreneur, this is the first place people want to find out about you and your business.

Make them remember you.

Contact me to write your ‘About Us’ page content.


Benefits of Online Profiles

Profiles in various places can link back to your website. This increases your web traffic, and improves your Google search results.

Professional business profiles in the following places will elevate your online presence:

  • Associations
  • Business Directories
  • Alumni
  • Memberships
  • Service Groups
  • anywhere you can put you and your company names

Let me boost your online presence by writing a new 200 word profile, or editing any existing ones.

Social Media Profiles

Linkedin is the king of online profiles. You can really shine both in the personal and business sense. These profiles also rank high in the search engines.

Whatever your social media strategy is, you should have optimized profiles on all your accounts – Facebook, Twitter, Google+, etc.

No website yet? Try www.About.Me. You can have a one page web profile to showcase whatever you want, strictly personal, strictly business, or a combo.

Contact me to beef up your social profiles, so that you look social savvy.


200 Words or 50 Words

Depending on where you post profiles, there is usually a limited space. Anywhere from 50 words to 200 words.

It’s difficult to go from 50 words up to 200 words, and vice versa. When going from 50 to 200, you don’t want to fill it with fluff, and when going from 200 down to 50, you don’t want to lose anything valuable.

Profile writing is not for everybody. That’s why I can do it for you. No matter what your profile needs, I provide a profile writing service to make you look good, online.

Image courtesy of David Castillo Dominici at

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