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Entrepreneur Skills Start With Leadership

Entrepreneur Skills Whether you are new to the home business game, or a seasoned veteran, the most important entrepreneur skills you need to develop are those of a leader. To be successful, you have to be seen as a leader. You have to show up as a leader. I know what you’re thinking. I work in my home. I have no employees. Why do I need to be a leader? People seek out leaders, that’s why. They like to listen… Continue reading

Entrepreneur Perseveres to Win the Prize

To be successful, an Entrepreneur needs to have perseverance. You need to have a drive and desire to succeed despite the odds you might face. An entrepreneur leader continues because you are determined to, not because you are entitled to. Definition of Perseverance for an Entrepreneur I took three definitions from different dictionaries, but you can see they are all the same: 1) Steadfastness in doing something despite difficulty or delay in achieving success. 2) Steady persistence in adhering to… Continue reading